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5 Memories That Are Truly Gifts for Mom

There is no one who cherishes every memory more than a mother. After all, memories are the most meaningful gifts for mom. If you’re a new mom, or about to...

Becoming a new mom can be a huge bundle of emotions. If you’ve been a mom for a while, you most likely still remember what it’s like: the fear, the exhaustion, the joy, and most of all, the overwhelming love you felt for your brand new child.

This love you felt the day you were established as an official “mother”, holds true throughout every first memory. Maybe becoming a mom has put your own mom into a new light of appreciation. After all, your mother holds all these memories close in her heart as well. In honor of Mother’s Day, here are some “firsts” a mom isn’t likely to ever forget.

5 Moments a Mom Won’t Forget

That First Big Smile

You don’t care what the doctors say about babies smiling, you know a smile when you see one. And that first big gummy grin on your newborn’s face is probably the best thing you’ve ever witnessed - particularly in the midst of all the other emotions running through you.

It doesn’t matter who you are, mother or not, the sight of a toothless, smiling baby is enough to brighten anyone’s day.

These Booties Are Made for Walkin’

While this exciting moment might be followed by some frantic “baby-proofing” activities as you realize they are now mobile and able to get into everything, it’s still one for the books. Whether it’s 2 and a half wobbling steps that end in tipping over onto their bum, it’s still one of the proudest moments of a new mom’s life. And it’ll have dad saying they’ll be “an Olympic athlete, for sure”.

Whether your child turns out to be an allstar, or not very athletic, their first steps are definitely a precious moment cherished by their mom (as your steps were cherished by your mom).

The First Time You Swore They Were Picasso

There’s something really special about the first time your child makes “art” for you. Sure, their sweetly chubby hands might not be that skilled, but somehow their creations are perfect and beautiful.

One of the best parts of childhood is completely covering the refrigerator with all things “kid art”. Whether they’re messy, colorful, silly, sparkly, or downright strange, they’re special memories you know you’ll never forget. After all, you probably have some memories of your own mother proudly displaying your first handprint turkey - it’s safe to say it’s a sweet tradition that never goes out of style.

One way to commemorate that tradition as an adult is to get her a custom-made piece by Everything Etched. These personalized glass drop boxes look amazing in any home and are a great way to celebrate the memories you shared as a family growing up.

Tossing That Tasseled Cap

While it may be a few years before you attend your own child’s graduation (or maybe it’s right around the corner!) this is still a proud mom moment for the books. We’re sure you remember the excitement of the day as well as maybe some embarrassment as your mother cried. Now that you’re a mom, maybe you can appreciate the mixed emotions of pride and a touch of sadness as your baby grows up and moves on in the world. It’s a wonderful, and tough, thing to be a mom!

Bringing Grandkids Into the World

There’s a special kind of joy when a parent watches their own children become new parents. Perhaps as a mother yourself, you leaned on your own mom for support, advice, and shared in the joy and excitement of a new baby.

As a mom, it’s easier now to appreciate how hard your mother worked and how much she loved you growing up. Motherhood is definitely an unpredictable adventure - but it’s so important to cherish these great memories along the way.


Through the ups and downs of growing up, these sweet memories are sure to bring a smile to your face. From all of us at Everything Etched, Happy Mother’s Day to all of you amazing moms out there.

Now that you’re a mom, you know how much your mom cares for you. Your mom cherishes everything about you. Now’s the time to show how much you cherish her. This custom wine glass can be personalized to your family and all of your mom’s most important dates. Order one today for Mother’s Day.

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